Ecletticos: Optimizing Facebook Campaigns With PersonaLive Segmentation

Lyden Foust
April 6, 2022
Last updated
min read
Case study

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The Challenge

Ecletticos is an ecommerce brand specializing in home goods like mugs, blankets, and kitchenware. With an eye-catching brand and design, Ecletticos’s sweet spot is converting social media users on Facebook and Instagram.

Ecletticos sought to identify their top customers to optimize top-of-funnel campaigns. The brand also wanted to discover segments more likely to purchase their blanket, kitchen, and tea product lines.

Identifying the Right Audience

By mapping Shopify customers to the PersonaLive segmentation, Ecletticos discovered 10 segments made up 36% of their total revenue. The brand also identified specific segments that are 3x–5x more likely to buy kitchen, blanket, and tea product lines.

Using the PersonaLive Insight Tool, Ecletticos identified the top 4 segments driving revenue and exported them into a Facebook campaign.

The Test

We hypothesized that we could improve CTR and ROAS by targeting the top four segments driving revenue on a Facebook campaign. To measure the strength of the PersonaLive audiences, we compared Ecletticos’s top ad with a “control” audience using no targeting over a two-week period. We also included a Facebook-created “coffee interest” segment to compare against Facebook’s native audiences.


Ecletticos saw a 28% increase in CTR with the top performing segment vs. the control. This tells us the PersonaLive audiences are more likely to be interested in the ad, but does that translate into dollars?

Ecletticos was able to use Facebook’s pixel to track conversions from audiences on their website. The PersonaLive segment, #CornfieldCabernet, drove 54% higher ROAS vs. control and a 112% higher ROAS vs. Facebook’s native coffee audience.


Ecletticos was able to find their top performing customer segments quickly by uploading historical sales and segmenting customer records. These segments translated directly to audiences with better click-through rates and return on ad spend than both a control group and Facebook’s native audiences.

Lyden Foust
Case study
Case study