Case study

How To Personalize Email Campaigns With PersonaLive Segmentation

The Background

A national insurance provider wanted to grow their life, auto, and home insurance business. They send out more than 200 million emails annually and sought to enhance the performance of their monthly email offer.

Before engaging Spatial.ai, all contacts in the insurance provider’s database received identical email offers. The company’s marketing team believed that personalizing subject lines, imagery, and copy to each customer segment could improve open-rate, click-through rate, and ultimately drive policy sales. In particular, the team wanted to see if personalization could provide a lift on disengaged contacts who had not opened an email in the past 12 months.

Step 1: Segmentation

The provider’s marketing team segmented their contact list by simply uploading a list of names and postal addresses to the PersonaLive platform. The team received back that list with personal identifiable information (PII) removed and a corresponding segment appended to each customer.

Step 2: Creative Development

The team then grouped segments into three higher-level cohorts with PersonaLive’s Segment Builder tool to simplify creative development. The cohorts were:  

  1. Suburban Boomers
  2. Middle Aged Suburbs, and
  3. Young Families

They used the taxonomy to gather inspiration for copy and imagery based on each cohort's behaviors and lifestyles.

A fictional example of personalized copy and imagery by segment.

The Results

The insurance provider sent personalized emails to 560,000 contacts who had not opened an email in the past year. A standard campaign for the insurance company had an average open rate of 17.99% and a click-through rate of 20.50%. Even with disengaged contacts, personalizing the subject line and imagery resulted in an open rate of 25.66% (+7.67%) and a click-through rate of 34.83% (+14.33%).


By appending Spatial.ai’s PersonaLive segments to a contact list and personalizing creative to each segment, the insurance provider transformed a disengaged contact list into over $100,000 of sales with a single email.

How To Personalize Email Campaigns With PersonaLive Segmentation
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